رسول الله صلى الله عليه واْله فرماوسس ححهسس

مارا فرزند حسين نا تين ححيز ما بركة ؛

خاك شفاء ما

اهنا قبه نا نيححسس دعاء مستجاب ؛




قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه واْله
بورك لولدي الحسين في ثلاث

الشفاء في تربته

والاستجابة تحت قبته

والائمة من ولده


AL ANWAR was founded with Raza & Dua Mubarak of Syedna Abu Jafer us Sadiq Aali Qadar Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS for helping those mumineen who cannot afford to visit Karbala for the Ziarat of Imam Hussain A.S

We are blessed to work with a strength of 370+ members at present & these numbers are increasing gradually. Our members belongs to various parts of India & countries like USA, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Kenya, Muscat, Bahrain, Singapore, etc.

This site is developed to encourage the clean & transparent working policy of Al Anwar & also to promote our cause amongst other mumineen to join hands with us.